ATM-105 Robot
Brand : PRI
Part number : ATM-105
FILM THICKNESS, OPTI PROBE, KLA_OP2000, August, ASYST PST Sorter, AG-4100, Heatpulse 8008, Heatpulse 8100 Series, August NSX-90, August NSX-95, Canon CVD, CASCADE, Parametric Series PS-21 Probe Station, FAIRCHIELD APT-3245, GSI, Lumonics LaserMark, KLA UV-1080, KLA UV-1280, KLA UV-8100, KLA UV-8250S, AIT I, Overlay 5300, Matrix System 10, Magic mirror, Metra 2100, Metra 2150, Metra 7000, OAI Flood, Exposure System, RUDOLPH Metapuls, Matric, SL200, S-200, SSM 5200, SONY IRG10, SONY IRG11, Speed-Fam CPM Auriga C, SCA, TOK TCA-7822, Therma-Wave, OP26XX, OP32XX, OP52XX, TP500, Varian TP500, Vecco Dektak 200-SL, VAG RTA, Wafer Grinder.

Choose quality and durability with our overhaul exchange and reconditioning services.

We are commited to offering economical and qualitative solutions by refurbishing your products with certified original parts. Our qualified experts ensure the refurbishment of each product, guaranteeing optimal performance and unparalleled reliability. Trust our expertise to extend the life of your equipment while adhering to the highest quality standards.

100% OEM parts

We aim for quality and reliability

12 month

From installation date on your site

ISO 9001
repair center

We focus on quality process


Exchange : < 7 days
Overhaul : < 8 weeks

door to door

We handle the logistic for your delivery


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